e.biofilm — Group of Excellence on Engineered Biofilms



A biofilm is a community of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and algae, that attach to a surface and secrete a slimy substance to create a protective and adhesive matrix. The microorganisms in a biofilm live in a cooperative and highly organized community, where they can communicate and exchange genetic material. Biofilms can form on a wide range of surfaces, including natural materials like rocks and plant surfaces, as well as human-made surfaces like medical devices, pipes, and industrial equipment.


Bioreactor models are devices used to cultivate and grow microorganisms, cells, or tissues in a controlled environment. Bioreactors can be used for a variety of purposes, such as producing vaccines, growing biofuels, and developing tissue engineering products. Bioreactor models typically consist of a vessel, a stirring mechanism, and a control system that maintains optimal conditions for the growth of the cells or microorganisms.
Bioreactor models are important tools in the field of biotechnology and are used extensively in research and development, as well as in industrial applications. They allow researchers to control and manipulate the growth environment of microorganisms and cells, which can help optimize product yields, reduce production costs, and improve product quality.


Microfluidic reactors allow the real time observation and control of structurally and dynamically complex biological systems. The miniaturization concept found application in biofilms, allowing single-cell analysis and high surface area to volume (S/V) ratio, which results in reduced mass and heat transfer times and shorter diffusion distances.


NAM-FISH (Nucleic Acid Mimic-Fluorescence in situ hybridization) is a molecular biology technique that allows for the detection and visualization of bacterial cells. NAM-FISH works by using a fluorescent probe that binds specifically to rRNA sequences. Is used to identify and locate specific bacterial species or strains within complex microbial communities, allowing for the selective detection and visualization of those cells within a mixed population without disrupting the biofilm 3D structure. It also provides high spatial resolution and can be combined with other techniques, such as microscopy and image analysis, to gain further insights into the structure and function of microbial communities.

Spatial Biogeography

Spatial biogeography

Spatial biogeography studies involve the understand physiology of the cells within the biofilm and how they are arranging themselves in relationship to other microbes or inorganic or organic matrix constituents. The arrangement of cells within a biofilm allows different metabolic states or conflicting species to coexist, increasing the potential for diversity and strongly influencing the relative fitness benefits of cooperative and competitive phenotypes within a biofilm.
Microscopy imaging

Microscopy imaging

Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) imaging used in combination with fluorescently labeled techniques allow to study the distribution and localization of different components (e.g., genes, microorganisms) within the same sample, providing valuable information about colocalization, interactions and spatial relationships.
Statistical models

Statistical models

Statistical models are important tools for determining repeatability (within laboratory) and reproducibility (between laboratories) errors, in order to look for interactions between different test parameters and to assign confidence intervals to imaging results.
Computational simulation

Computational simulation

The mechanisms and behaviour of complex systems can be studied by computer simulation, using mathematics, statistics, physics and computer science. A computational model contains many variables that characterize the system under study. Simulations allow you to adjust variables and observe how your changes affect the results of your predictive model.
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