e.biofilm — Group of Excellence on Engineered Biofilms

Category: Events

e.Biofilm Seminars

📣 The e.Biofilm team had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Matthew Fields, Director of the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University, at FEUP for the month of June.…
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We were at EUROBIOFILMS 2024!

Prof. Nuno Azevedo, Dr. Joana Vilas Boas, Dr. Andreia Azevedo and our PhD student Ana Barbosa attended the EUROBIOFILMS 2024 meeting from the 26th to the 29th of June in…
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e.Biofilm Seminars:

The e.biofilm team has the privilege to welcome Prof. Birthe Kjellerup, the Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of…
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Laura Cerqueira introducing models for studying biofilms and opportunities to use PNA-FISH, 11-12 September, Paris, COST Action exRNA-PATH
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